Structure databases
Secondary Structure Prediction
Structure prediction and related
Sequence analysis and related
Protein structure clasification
Post-translational modification Prediction
Effect of mutations, prediction
- Auto-Mute: predicting functional consequences of mutations in proteins.
- CUPSAT: Cologne University Protein Stability analysis Tool.
- DUET server: predicting effects of mutations on protein stability
- ERIS: protein stability prediction server
- FoldX: effect of mutations on the stability, folding and dynamics of proteins and nucleic acids.
- I-Mutant: Prediction of protein stability changes upon mutations.
- PoPMuSiC: Prediction of protein stability changes upon mutations.
- Pro-MAYA: Protein Mutant stAbilitY Analyzer.
- ProSMS: Prediction of protein stability changes due to single amino acid mutations.
- SMD: Predicting the effect of mutations on protein stability.
Temperature sensitive mutations
- TSpred: server for the rational design of temperature-sensitive mutants.
Homology Modeling (and related)
Mass Spectrometry
Circular Dichroism
Codon usage